Developing models, standards and architecture ti support the creation of smart city goals so that development can be more planned, measurable, and easy to implement
15 Anggota
Smart infrastructure is a physical infrastructure network that interacts, complements, and is able to bring added value from a city.
30 Anggota
A smart city is a city that uses digital technology to improve the quality of city services that are environmentally friendly more efficiently and to increase the effectiveness of interactions with its citizens. Smart citizens are an important element in implementing a smart city.
44 Anggota
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that emphasizes the development of machine intelligence, thinking patterns and working like humans. For example, voice recognition, problem-solving, learning, and planning. Artificial Intelligence technology is in its infancy and more and more companies are inveting resources in machine research, showing strong growth in products and the application of artificial intelligence technology in the near future.
112 Anggota
Smart Mobility is a part of a smart city that specializes in transportation and community mobility. Smart technology-based information system to regulate transportation, traffic, and tourism. Smart mobility is simply a concept of sustainable use of technology in the field of transportation by minimizing social and economic impacts and driving accidents that have the potential to be caused.
55 Anggota
Innovation along with changes Renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, and wave energy that will be found and found around this nature. To increase renewable energy sources in the supply of energy, energy production, and energy consumption must be controlled and balanced in a new and smart way, of course.
38 Anggota
Smart safe and secure is developed to provide a sense of comfort and security for residents, its application by conducting surveillance using static cameras placed in every corner of the city or using a moving camera that automatically reports when finding anomaly or a suspicious situation.
34 Anggota
Smart Healthcare handles the development of health services in terms of technology and application in the world of health. The Internet of Things (IoT) has many applications that can be used for smarter human needs, including Smart Healthcare. IoT will be a driver for creating devices or platforms that will help patients/users pay attention to their health.
95 Anggota