Face Recognition-Based Surveillance System in Mining Industry

  • Fadhil Hidayat Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Ulva Elviani Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Figo Agil Alunjati Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Muhammad Furqan Alfuady Institut Teknologi Bandung
Keywords: face recognition, access control, mining construction, face recognition system


Access control in mining construction areas is crucial for the operations of mining companies. This access control functions to secure and restrict unauthorized parties from mining activities. Violations of access rights in the mining industry result in significant losses for companies. This access control can also be utilized to record employee attendance, serving as input for the contract work system commonly applied in mining areas. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is commonly used to monitor activities; however, the current use of CCTV still requires direct human observation, which may result in important events being overlooked. The functionality of these CCTVs can be enhanced to manage access rights and monitor employee attendance to support company operations through face recognition methods. In this study, a system design was carried out through a research approach to determine the technology to be used in the system. The development of a face recognition-based access control system was conducted based on system engineering methodology. This development includes system requirements analysis, the design of a face recognition-based access control system, implementation, and system performance evaluation. The resulting system was tested through simulation processes based on actual field conditions, and the test results showed that the system could recognize faces registered in the dataset and identify subjects not registered in the dataset with an accuracy of 60%, precision of 96%, recall of 58%, and an F-score of 72%. Additionally, the system was able to connect to a database to store face recognition results and then display them on an employee attendance monitoring dashboard. The delay between the face recognition system and actual time ranged from 2-4 seconds and was still tolerable.


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How to Cite
Hidayat, F., Elviani, U., Agil Alunjati, F., & Furqan Alfuady, M. (2024). Face Recognition-Based Surveillance System in Mining Industry . Jurnal Sistem Cerdas, 7(2), 226 - 236. https://doi.org/10.37396/jsc.v7i2.434